Happy Holidays from APsystems
Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a very bright and happy 2018.
– Your friends at APsystems
Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a very bright and happy 2018.
– Your friends at APsystems
Solar Canada, Canada’s largest PV convention, comes to Toronto Dec. 4-5.
Three of APsystems distribution partners will be there in force. Stop by and check out the latest and greatest products from APsystems.
Polaron Solar Booth#:214
National Solar Distributors Booth#:718
HES PV Booth#:316
APsystems serves over 80 countries around the globe and offers solar installers and their customers a new power paradigm with a proven architecture that increases solar harvest and ensures maximum output for residential and commercial solar arrays.
Date: 4-5 December
Venue: Toronto Metro Convention Centre
We look forward to seeing you all at Solar Canada 2017!
APsystems will showcase the new YC600 utility-interactive microinverter at All-Energy Australia 2017, Oct. 11-12 in Melbourne.
A smart microinverter for the smart grid, the YC600 with Reactive Power Control is CEC approved for Australia and meets IEC/EN62109-1/2 requirements. The YC600 can connect to two modules, lowering balance of system costs while offering 600VA peak performance and integrated ZigBee wireless communication. It is ideal for high-output PV panels from 200 to 365W+, and works with 60- and 72-cell PV modules with dual, independent MPPT per panel. The unit operates within a wider MPPT voltage range than competing brands for a greater energy harvest and boasts a durable, NEMA 6/IP67, powder-coated aluminum enclosure, bucking today’s trend of plastic casings.
Also at All-Energy Australia: The APsystems new ECU-C Energy Communication Unit, an advanced gateway for single and 3-phase PV systems. With its built-in smart meter, the ECU-C tracks array performance and power production in real-time along with historical output data. The anti-flowback control function and rapid shutdown features further guarantee system safety.
APsystems’ Lucky Draw is waiting for you!
Visit the APsystems booth #1124 to win FREE products from APsystems’ newest line.
There will be one first prize winner (1 ECU-C unit ), two second prize winners (1 YC600 unit for each), and three third prize winners (1 OPT700 unit for each).
Date: 11-12 October
Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Center
We look forward to seeing you at Cannot wait to see you all in All Energy Australia 2017!
Estimados Señor y Señora,
Quisiéramos extender nuestros más sinceros agradecimientos a su presencia en nuestros stands durante la Green Expo 2017 en México. Es una exposición exitosa en la industria solar y una plataforma ideal para que las empresas fotovoltaicas compartan productos.
Durante el sorteo de APsystems, APsystems Otorgo los premios a los ganadores de nuestros productos estrellas: YC1000, YC500 and ECU.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the solar partners that visited our booth during the recent Green Expo 2017 in Mexico. It was a successful exhibition for the solar industry and an ideal platform for PV companies to share products.
During our Lucky Draw, APsystems awarded the following winners a YC1000 and YC500 microinverter plus an ECU.
En 2016, APsystems adquirió la oficina en Mexico para Soporte Técnico local y almacenaje. Queremos proveer a nuestros clientes los mejores productos y el mejor servicio de soporte.
APsystems es ahora un líder global en el desarrollo, la fabricación y la comercialización de MLEP (micro inversor y optimizador) basados en nuestra propia tecnología solar patentada de última generación.
In 2016, APsystems built the new office in Mexico to support the local service and warehousing. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products and the best service.
APsystems is now a global leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of MLEP (microinverter and optimizer technologies) based on our own proprietary, leading-edge solar technology.
APsystems has launched a website for the Latin America market, including the Spanish and English versions. Users can visit the site at latam.apsystems.com. Click the button on the top right corner to choose the language.
APsystems ha lanzado un sitio web para el mercado de América Latina, incluyendo las versiones en español e inglés. Los usuarios pueden visitar el sitio en latam.apsystems.com. Haga clic en el botón en la esquina superior derecha para elegir el idioma.
APsystems now offers dedicated websites for regional markets including Europe/Middle East/Africa, Asia Pacific, China, Canada, USA and Latin America. Select “Worldwide Locations” to choose a specific region, and find out more about local APsystems offices, distribution partners and product information.
APsystems ahora ofrece sitios web dedicados para mercados regionales como Europa / Medio Oriente / África, Asia Pacífico, China, Canadá, Estados Unidos y América Latina. Seleccione “Ubicaciones mundiales” para elegir una región específica y obtenga más información sobre las oficinas locales de APsystems, los socios de distribución y la información sobre los productos.
The new Latin America website supports the APsystems office in Mexico, established in 2016 to support regional service and warehousing.
El nuevo sitio web de Latinoamérica apoya la oficina de APsystems en México, establecida en 2016 para apoyar el servicio regional y el almacenamiento.
APsystems is now a global leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of MLPE (microinverter and optimizer) based on our own proprietary, leading-edge solar technology.
APsystems es ahora un líder global en el desarrollo, la fabricación y la comercialización de MLPE (microinverter y optimizador) basados en nuestra propia tecnología solar de punta.
Intersolar 2017: North America’s most attended solar event and premier networking platform.
APsystems: The global leader in solar microinverter innovation.
Join APsystems at this year’s Intersolar North America event, July 11-13 in San Francisco. APsystems will bring its full line of dual- and four-module microinverters to booth 9245, with live training for installers.
APsystems live training courses are registered to confer NABCEP CE credits and cover proper installation and setup of APsystems microinverters, the APsystems Energy Communication Unit (ECU) gateway and APsystems Energy Monitoring and Analysis (EMA) web portal.
Christopher Barrett, leading our USA Engineering and Technical Services team will be a featured speaker at the conference. Don’t miss the Executive Panel Discussion: Evaluation of Main Technologies and Application Segments for Energy Storage Systems on July 12th at 11.30 am.
Meet the team and find out how you can bring APsystems power, reliability and value to your customers today. Email sales.usa@APsystems.com to set up a meeting during Intersolar North America 2017.
SNEC 2017, one of world’s largest PV conventions, will occur in Shanghai on April. 19-21.
SNEC is an ideal platform for PV companies to share their products and services, as the event draws technology industry leaders from across the globe to spark ideas and innovation. Distributors, installers and manufacturers can keep on top of the latest policies and issues impacting the international renewable production and storage markets.
See the APsystems advanced microinverter line and new products at booth E7-570.
A press conference will be held at our booth to formally recognize APsystems honored clients and announce new product releases.
More activities and giveaways will be offered throughout the event.
Join APsystems at Booth E7-570 April 19-21 at SNEC 2017.
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, 201204, P.R.C.
PV SYSTEM EXPO 2017 is one of Asia’s largest PV conventions in Tokyo on Mar. 1-3 – and APsystems will be there in force.
Look for our enhanced, interactive booth E21-23, where we’ll showcase APsystems valued products.
APsystems locations around the globe are offering installers a new power paradigm with a proven power electronics architecture that increases solar harvest and ensures maximum output for residential and commercial solar arrays.
Thanks to its strong MLPE portfolio, APsystems ranked no. 2 in global market share among microinverter suppliers by shipments in 2014.
We look forward to seeing you all at the EXPO.
Date:March 1-3, 2017
Exhibition hall:Tokyo Big Sight
Address:3-10-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan
Solar Canada, Canada’s largest PV convention, comes to Toronto Dec. 5-6 – and APsystems will be there with a powerful microinverter line and dynamic new features.
Look for our enhanced, interactive booth 1002, where we’ll be offering APsystems product training and hands-on demonstrations.
We’ll be showcasing our new, redesigned version of its Energy Monitoring & Analysis (EMA) website, APsystemsEMA.com. The EMA website monitors and reports energy production on sites that utilize APsystems microinverters and also lets APsystems-registered solar installers and contractors create and manage their customers’ energy monitoring accounts.
Key features of the new EMA site include a cleaner and more attractive design, a more engaging user experience with an enhanced system dashboard, system management tools, improved reporting functions and module performance data.
We’ll also have the full line of APsystems advanced microinverters on display, including the powerful YC1000, YC500, and ArrayApp all-in-one mobile installer tool.
YC1000, the first true 3-phase, four-module solar microinverter. With balanced 3-phase AC output, the microinverter is purpose designed and built for commercial applications.
The best-selling YC500 microinverter, a groundbreaking unit that handles two PV modules (up to 310 watts each) with dual-MPPT and monitoring to simplify installation, lower balance of system costs and improve array output and efficiency.
APsystems locations around the globe offer installers a new power that increases solar harvest and ensures maximum output for residential and commercial solar arrays.
Estimado visitante de Green Expo Mexico,
Les agradecemos mucho por haber visitado nuestro stand de APsystems.
En 2016, APsystems abrió oficinas en Mexico para el soporte de servicio local así como de almacenaje. Queremos ofrecer a nuestros clientes los mejores productos y el mejor servicio.
APsystems es ahora líder global en desarrollo, manufactura y comercialización de MLEP (Micro inversores y Optimizadores) basado en nuestra propia tecnología de punta en el mercado solar.
Apsystems marca un gran avance en tecnología solar, haciendo los arreglos fotovoltaicos más poderosos, inteligentes, escalables, rentables y seguros.
Por favor déjenos saber si tiene alguna duda acerca de nuestros productos o quisiera tener alguna oferta de nuestro equipo de ventas.
Que tengan un excelente día!
Saludos cordiales,
Dirección: Edificio ITALIA Lázaro Cárdenas 2850 int.-501-A
Tel:01(33)31884604 Mexico Free